Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Winding Down

We're halfway through our last week here in Russia, and the weather has taken an unexpected turn, but for the better! This week we're studying our asses off for our finals, so, as a result, we're not doing much of anything until Thursday. But today is Austin's 21st birthday! In order to make up for being in a country where the drinking age is 18, we're going to throw a party in the other dorm.

As one would expect, we're excited to come home! But now I'm about to dash off to celebrate, so I'll leave you all with two entertaining pictures of this week's shenanigans.

What Hannah and I wore today...

And the hilarity of budgeting in Russia...

Ahhh, thus is the expat/traveling student life! Expect the unexpected and be prepared to drink! Now I'm going to spend the evening in good company!

Love and hugs to all! xoxo

(5 days til the States!)

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