Friday, August 5, 2011

"The All-Russian Exhibition Center"

Things are winding down very quickly and successfully here. Now that we finally have time to sleep (and sleep in), our exhaustion is catching up with us. The result is 20 tired American students running around Moscow for a final couple days, attempting to see the city we have grown to love just one more time. I have managed to see everything I wanted to see here in Moscow, so today Hannah and I took the opportunity to do something a bit lighthearted. Following lunch, we headed down to the metro and rode all the way up to ВДНХ (VehDehEnKhuh or the English VDNH) to the All-Russian Exhibition Center. The center was originally established as a trade post during the Soviet Union, but today it's home to several exhibition pavilions and a myriad of children's amusements. We mainly went to see the cool architecture and fountains that ВДНХ is home to. And we most definitely were not dissapointed! The Soviets may have created the most boring, cookie-cutter apartment buildings known to man, but when it came down to it, they could build some beautiful buildings!

On the way home, we passed by the Memorial Museum to Cosmonauts, and I got this awesome picture of the monument outside. Made of out of steel, it's a rocket taking off from the base of the museum. (Being here makes you aware to just how proud the Russians are of their space program.)

And now, once again, we're back in Vikhino, eating shwarma for dinner and enjoying the cool Moscow summer evening! Anticipation is running high! 

Love and hugs to all!

(1 full day left in Russia!)

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