This week I was formally accepted into my study abroad program with the University of Arizona. As an AppState student, I don't have the chance to go abroad with my actual school. So since App and UA have a partnership program, I'm going with the lovely people from the land of no day light savings.
Now I have to get the check to them for the rest of the program, which of course results in a series of mini conniptions when I realized (for the billionth time) just how much money I'm spending to live in Russia for 10 weeks. Which will be totally worth it. Duh. But seeing as how UA is on spring break right now (jealous), I have a week to freak out then calmly write a check, signing my life away.
And I'm still waiting on my visa. I go for a few days without thinking about it. Then I have an internal freak out session that goes a bit like "ohmygodwhatifIdon'tgetmyvisadidIdoanythingtopissofftherussiangovernmentlatelyohmygodaughhhh!" Then everything's cool. It's in my nature to flip a shit over the smallest things. At least I know I'll survive the apocalypse. Ha.
While I was home over spring break, I did a decent amount of shopping and came out of the stores with a good bit of cute summer clothes in darker colors. Veryyyy hard to do here in the US where color is the name of the game in the summer. I'm counting on the fact that my Eastern European heritage shows in my physical appearance to help me out a bit. But I'm still terrified of standing out.
Oh well, I'll just keep my mouth shut in public for the first week or so. And pray that someone doesn't ask me for directions. Oh god.
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